About Us

Formed by Dr Brian Sulaiman (PhD, BSc, PGD, MAC Mauslmm), Dena Nano has been established for over 23 years in the field of advanced Nanometric technology and has developed a patented Reactor that reduces particles into Nanometers to achieve dramatic improvements in productivity, quality and profitability.

The Dena system was inspired by an observation of the natural forces of sea waves dispersing sand over a rocky beach while relaxing with his family; after this he decided to name his new company, very fittingly after his eldest daughter Dena, without whom he would not have made the discovery.

This has won the company several awards for National and Environmental Innovation and Sustainability, the most recent of which is for Sustainability in Formulations from Intelligent Formulations, September 2011.

End Of Life Tyres

A large percentage of the components that make up the formula for our wood replacement is from recycled ELT. Some of the problems government and public face around the world from land filled tyres are giant mosquito infestations, toxins that leach into the land over decades and fires that create massive environmental problems to the atmosphere and land.

End of Life Tyres

Key Tyre Facts


Tyres burning

According to the WBCSD (World Business Council for Sustainable Development), a total of 1 billion end-of-life (EOL) tyres are generate globally every year

There are approximately 4 billion EOL tyres in landfill and stockpiles globally and as they do not decompose, they can be a fire risk affecting the air with toxic fumes as well as a breeding area for mosquito’s

Some landfill tyre-fires have been burning for years.

Housing Shortage

There are housing crisis the world over not just third world countries but developed countries such as the UK. There are massive shortages because the traditional methods of building homes are time consuming involve very expensive materials that are both un-economic and ecologically un-sound. These materials could well give the less fortunate as well as the young people of the world a chance at an affordable house that could be a foot on the ladder to a more substantial home.

The century of cities brings with it great promise, but also great problems. While some countries’ rapid urbanization has led to the creation of economic, cultural and political meccas, others have become slums.